Infrared Beam Finder

The Harrick Infrared Beam Finder allows viewing of the infrared beam from an FT-IR spectrometer and simplifies alignment of accessories. It contains a tab with a phosphor-based compound that absorbs and "traps" light energ ... read more

Infrared Beam Finder
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  • IBF-000

    Infrared Beam Finder - IBF-000 - IBF-000

    The Harrick Infrared Beam Finder allows viewing of the infrared beam from an FT-IR spectrometer and simplifies alignment of accessories. It contains a tab with a phosphor-based compound that absorbs...



Parent Product:
  • Allows viewing of the infrared beam.
  • Glows orange upon exposure to infrared.
  • Alignment aid.
  • 0.5" x 0.5" phosphorescent area.

The Harrick Infrared Beam Finder allows viewing of the infrared beam from an FT-IR spectrometer and simplifies alignment of accessories. It contains a tab with a phosphor-based compound that absorbs and "traps" light energy from a short wavelength source (such as a lamp or sunlight), and then releases this stored light in the form of visible light upon exposure to IR radiation. The result is a localized glow of intensity relative to the amount of stored light and to the intensity of the IR incident upon the active phosphor area.


  • Glows a deep orange upon exposure to infrared radiation.
  • Phosphorescent area is approximately the size of the infrared beam.


  • Infrared beam finder.

Technical Info

Download Infrared Beam Finder Data Sheet (pdf)

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