Horizon™ Multiple Reflection ATR Accessory, Solid Sampler - HON-S-XXX


The Horizon™ multiple reflection ATR accessory is well suited for analysis of liquids, pastes, powders, and thick films by infrared spectroscopy. Its unique design utilizes the astigmatism inherent in spherical mirro ... read more

Horizon™ Multiple Reflection ATR Accessory, Solid Sampler
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Model No:HON-S-XXX


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Horizon™ Multiple Reflection ATR Accessories
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Harrick Wire Grid Polarizers
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The Horizon™ multiple reflection ATR accessory is well suited for analysis of liquids, pastes, powders, and thick films by infrared spectroscopy. Its unique design utilizes the astigmatism inherent in spherical mirrors to shape the FT-IR beam to match the aperture of the ATR crystal, keeping radiation away from the edges of the crystal. This eliminates spectral interference from the adhesive securing the crystal and results in higher throughput. The Horizon™ features a convenient horizontal sampling surface (HATR) and PermaPurge™ for rapid sample and crystal exchange without interrupting the purge of the FT-IR system. The Horizon™ is perfect for quality control and research applications. Optional cells are available for flow and temperature-controlled applications.


  • Top loading.
  • Unobstructed, horizontal sampling surface (HATR).
  • Thirteen reflections from the sample.
  • Readily exchangeable sampling plates.
    • Solid sampling plate includes pressure plate for analyzing powders and solids.
    • Gasket-sealed trough for measurements of liquids and pastes. User replaceable ATR crystal.
  • Rapid sample and crystal exchange without interrupting the purge.
  • Utilizes astigmatism to match the beam shape to that of the ATR crystal, creating insensitive edges within the crystal, minimizing spectral inference from the adhesive or gasket used to mount the crystal.
  • High spectral contrast.
  • High throughput (25-40%).
  • PermaPurge™ permits crystal exchange with minimal interrupting of the purge of the FT-IR system.
  • Wire grid polarizer available separately.
  • Optional adapters for injection, flow-through, and temperature controlled applications.


  • One mounted ZnSe 50x10x2mm SPT 45° ATR crystal
  • Solid or liquid sampling plate. Solid sampling plate includes a pressure plate and clamp; the liquid sampling plate has a trough to contain the liquid.
  • Mating hardware for the specified FT-IR spectrometer.

Technical Info

Download Horizon™ Data Sheet (pdf)

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