The DiaMaxATR is the highest performance single reflection diamond ATR available at an unbeatable price. This accessory is designed not only for straightforward infrared spectroscopy of common...
The FastIR™ is a single reflection horizontal ATR accessory which incorporates a convenient horizontal sample stage for quick ATR spectroscopy of solids, liquids, and pastes. Sample analysis is simple and straightfor ... read more
The FastIR™ is a single reflection horizontal ATR accessory which incorporates a convenient horizontal sample stage for quick ATR spectroscopy of solids, liquids, and pastes. Sample analysis is simple and straightforward: place or spread the sample on the ATR crystal, record the spectrum and wipe the crystal clean. The FastIR™ HATR incorporates PermaPurge™ for rapid sample and ATR crystal exchange without interrupting the purge of the FT-IR spectrometer. A trough, flow-through liquid cell, temperature controlled liquid cell, torque screwdriver and slip-clutch are also offered for sampling versatility. The FastIR™ is convenient for routine analysis of liquids, pastes, and flexible solids by FT-IR ATR spectroscopy and is excellent for both laboratory and quality control environments.
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